State of the art surgery center offering the latest technology and superior nursing staff located in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada serving patients from all over the world!
Vein illumination with AccuVein vein visualization technology can aid our healthcare professionals in finding a good vein for venipuncture.
The convenient, easy-to-use ivNow® fluid warmers quickly heats and maintains safe temperatures of intravenous and irrigation fluids while saving space and staff time.
Assists with the hemostatic nature of the post-procedure.
Our custom operating instruments are specialized for the safety, comfort and efficacy of our patients procedures.
Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols are multimodal perioperative care pathways designed to achieve early recovery after surgical procedures by maintaining preoperative organ function and reducing the profound stress response following surgery.
Our CRNA has spent years perfecting anesthesia for bariatric patients and he brings his expertise and knowledge to each case; ensuring and safe and speedy recovery.
Sound barrier curtains hang in the recovery room between each bed for privacy
Customized gurney, operating table and recovery beds to accommodate up to 500lbs+
We send you home in our customized v-neck t-shirt and open hem sweat pants for optimal post-op comfort
Our passionate staff of surgeons, nurses and techs are specially trained in bariatric surgery and care so you can rest assured that you are in the best hands!